Compare: Project Name

There are many of these nodes as projects were selected for comparison in Projects node.
By clicking in each of them, you are choosing that project as the basis of comparison. Blue color will be used to indicate the values of the basis project.

Grid Views

Tabbed Views

Grid Views


Tabbed Views


Traffic Chart


This lists all other projects selected in Projects node, except for the one you are located as it is the basis of comparison.
By selecting any of the projects here you will compare it to the project basis. Red color will be used to indicate the values of the project selected here when a difference with respect to the basis project is found.


Variables and parameters view that are detected as different between the projects compared, are listed in this tab.

Grid Views


Project A vs Project B


This view lists all nodes where differences were detected between the basis project and the project selected in the Projects view.
When you select one of them, the differences are shown in the Project A vs Project B view.

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Project A vs Project B

This displays all the differences detected between the basis project and the project selected in the Projects view.

You can follow the Examples to learn how differences are displayed.

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Traffic Chart

This view shows the differences in the reaction network graphs for the selected projects. The comparison is done for the compound and reaction nodes and the arrows that relate them according to the stoichiometry. Traffic for moles, mass or atoms are not compared.
This is a comparison of the graphs, thus if a given reaction or compound is present in both projects but is hidden in the reaction graphs node of one of the projects, the comparison here will show as a difference.
You should be aware that if a reaction stoichiometry is R1: C->D in Project A while in Project B is loaded as R1: C->2D, the difference on the stoichiometry coefficient for compound D will not be indicated here, although you will retrieve that difference in Differences view, for the Reactions node. On the other hand, any variation in the stoichiometry that involves different compounds, or sign switching for the stoichiometry coefficient, will be shown.

Chart Options

At the top of the graph view, there are buttons that allow you to Export the image into a .png file, or to Zoom In / Zoom Out.
There is also a Show combo for selecting among the options below. In that combo, Project A refers to the basis project, while Project B refers to other project selected in the Projects view.
    • Union: It shows the compounds, reactions and arrows that are commom to both projects, in black color. Compounds, reactions and arrows that are available in Project A but not in Project B are indicated with blue color, while items present in Project B but not in Project A are indicated with red color.
    • Intersection: It only displays the compounds, reactions and arrows that are common to both projects. Thus, all nodes and arrows are drawn in black color.
    • Present in A but not in B: It shows in blue color the compounds, reactions or arrows that are available in Project A but not in Project B.
    • Present in B but not in A: It draws in red color the compounds, reactions or arrows that available in Project B but not in Project A.
    • Symmetric Difference: The compounds, reactions and arrows that are available in Project A but not in Project B are shown in blue; red color is used for items present in Project B but not in Project A.
      This is the default option.

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See Also: